So yeah. The reason my fingers and feet feel so weird is also because of the chemo. *sigh* It's called "peripheral neuropathy." I am SO GLAD next session is my last. I'm going to get another bottle of my daily multivitamin (cuz there is only one lonely ill gummy left!) and Imonna pick up some B6 and B12 too because they may help.
The creepy thing about this is that based on what I'm reading, it may not go away. :( Some people wind up with permanent nerve damage. EFF. I'm pretty hopeful, though, because I don't have any of the other risk factors. Also, it kind of comes and goes. Right now my index and middle fingers are worst, and my pinky fingers are almost fine. Also it's just the tips.
Plan for today is to play WoW this morning, maybe nap later since I woke up sooo early, go to the Indian restaurant for lunch, pick up any groceries we need (we're also out of salad fixins but I don't know if I want more since we'll be leaving Wednesday for NCTE) and then visit friends and play games this afternoon/evening. I think I want to bring Taboo. My favorite part is holding the buzzer. Except I kind of wore it out. I do have this nifty little desk-bell, though. It is REALLY LOUD... >;) hahahaha...
Fun times... ^.^
The town next to us just got an Indian Restaurant - which is sweet because the other one (45 minutes away) just went out of business.